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It helps in promoting the secretion of the growth hormone (gh) and risen insulin-like growth factor 1 (igf-1). Ibutamoren, also known as mk 677 and nutrobal, is a substance that increases the levels of human growth hormone (hgh) in the body. Yeah, using mk-677 is completely fine for women. The side effects are completely the same in males and females. The only thing why females. In the current study, administration of 25 mg mk-677 once daily for 12 months to osteoporotic postmenopausal women achieved similar mean increases in serum. In one study with 292 post-menopausal women, ibutamoren increased bone mineral density, which helps increase bone strength and prevent osteoporosis. The only difference is that the strength of these negative effects is less extreme and severe. You may, for example, experience nausea or suppressed hormone. 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