The latest data is not difficult to understand. Americans who are paying attention to the hearing of the "Capitol Hill Rebellion" should have noticed that Trump's political life is already in the countdown. Many of the witnesses at recent hearings are Republicans themselves, including Cassidy Hutchinson, who works in the White House and sits next to the Oval Office. According to numerous testimony at the hearing, Trump knew behind the scenes that he had lost the presidential election and never had any classified information on the so-called "election fraud", but he still insisted on overturning the election result. In other words, the prosecution window for Trump himself to conspire to rebel has been opened. That's not to say he'll quit politics immediately.
Instead, he may even take advantage of the situation to immediately announce his formal candidacy in an attempt to deter the Justice Department from number list indicting him. But even if the Justice Department doesn't prosecute him, state governments likely will. With so much baggage, it's no wonder many Republicans would prefer someone else to follow Trump's line, but not someone charged with treason. The rise of Ron DeSantis is in response to this demand. sipaphotosthirteen600659 Photo Credit: Newscom/ Dazhi Image So what about the Democrats
For the time being, it would be disrespectful to Biden if anyone, either explicitly or implicitly, intends to stand for the 2024 presidential race. But that doesn't mean no one will be prepared. Vice President Kamala Harris has been in a slump in popularity, and he may not get much support to play for Biden. Bernie Sanders is even worse. Biden is older, Sanders is older. Counting down, rising star Pete Buttigieg seems to have the best chance. At the same time, California Governor Gavin Newsom recently sold advertisements in Florida to criticize Ron DeSantis; obviously both of them are governors, what is Newsom doing to interfere in the internal affairs of other states for no reason? It only makes sense if you think of it as Newsom previewing the 2024 presidential election in advance...